ROBOTS 2024 conference – cyber threats and robotics

In January, our main theme was robotics. Why? Because we participated in the largest robotics conference in the Czech Republic – ROBOTICS 2024, of which we were also a proud partner.

Robotics is a possible threat

Today, modern manufacturing enterprises are all connected to the Internet. They cannot exist without industrial automation. Its continuous development makes it easier for us to program and integrate robots. And they, in turn, improve the quality of our life.

But here we should realize that, like any technology in a factory with an Internet connection, robots also represent a potential threat and entry points for a hacker attack.

How is that?

Imagine a giant robotic arm being compromised. Suddenly you have massive robot that starts moving uncontrollably, turning 180 degrees, and really fast. Such behavior can not only cause physical damage, but also endanger the lives of workers. But the computer system reports that everything is fine.

What did we talk about?

We presented the participants of the conference with the level of security of a large number of industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic (but also in Slovakia) – so to speak, it is like “wide open doors for anyone who wants to pass through”.

To support this, we presented real examples of the current state. We also showed how this situation can be abused by attackers and how easy for them it is to “hack the production company in 15 minutes”.


At the Roboty 2024 conference, we introduced for the first time our state-of-the-art detection platform named SOCulus, which we are working on. Want to keep track of how we’re doing? Check-on the SOCulus page!

We networked hard at our booth and our cyber security experts answered all questions. In addition, the participants of the conference could also get an Analysis of the external environment – completely free of charge.

Throughout both days, alongside the presentations, we engaged in numerous interesting discussions and gained invaluable insights. We are already looking forward to the next year of this unique conference.